Letter to Teens: When You’re the Only One

Dear Daughter:

I know that you love Jesus. There came a time when you realized you needed His forgiveness. So you received it and decided to follow Him.

But then you told your family about your decision. They didn’t understand. Maybe they laughed at you or called you names. Things are different now between you and your family.

They still don’t understand.

Yet you continue to pray for your family because you love them. You wish your family would love Jesus too, but feel it will never happen…

You continue to read the Bible, and its words light up the inner places of your heart. You experience moments of unexplainable peace. You feel alive. You are excited to share what you are learning, but when you do so around the dinner table, your words fall on deaf ears.

You are dismissed.

You feel alone in your faith.

You are the only one in your family who loves Jesus.

And it hurts.

You wonder if things will ever change…

Oh sweet girl, YOU are on my heart today. I want you to know that Jesus sees and feels your pain and loneliness. Only 4 of the people closest to Him remained at the foot of the cross as He died. All of his disciples, except for John, watched from a distance. (see John 19:25-27 and Luke 23:49)

Jesus was forsaken by His Father as He hung on the cross. (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34)

Yes, precious daughter, Jesus sees and understands.

He is forming you into something rare and someone beautiful.




Did you know that in nature, pearls just don’t happen? Pearls are formed when an irritating microscopic object becomes trapped inside a mollusk. Pearls are a defense mechanism for the mollusk. As they fulfill their purpose they harden, become beautiful, and are highly sought after.

Likewise, you are God’s pearl. You didn’t just “happen” either. God is using various irritants of life to mold you into something beautiful. Hold fast to the faith you have confessed, for you are highly prized by your Heavenly Father.

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

-Zephaniah 3:17 NIV

Be encouraged! Here are some tips to help you “hold fast:”

Pray for your family. Even if you are already praying, keep doing so. Nothing is impossible with God. (Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27) Ask others around you to pray for the salvation of your family to. Pray for God to help you trust in His timing.

Engage in a local church, seek out Christian friends and find a mentor. You need to be encouraged, challenged, and supported as you grow in your faith. 

Admit when you’ve messed up and ask for forgiveness. Humility and honesty bear witness that the love of Christ is maturing you. Your family may begin to ask questions and desire to have a relationship with Jesus as they perceive the power of the Holy Spirit in you.

Remember that God loves you. When you experience loneliness and pain, fill your mind with the Truth of God’s Word. Try memorizing: Psalm 103:10-12, Romans 8:38-39, and 1 John 4:9-10.

Live your faith. Your family is watching, so act and speak carefully. It’s an honor to represent Jesus to the hurting world around you, isn’t it?

I pray this encourages you. All of us at Whatever Girls are cheering you on. We hope you’ll pray, engage, admit, remember, and live for Jesus daily.

Written by Tracy Steel

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