Letting Go and Letting God


Thank You for today. Help me to fix my eyes on You and to bring Your light to everyone I encounter.


Acts 20:25-38


Do you share Paul's passion?

Goodbyes are never easy. Paul knows he's not going to see his beloved friends again. He has worked hard, over three years, to impart as much of God's truth and wisdom to the church in Ephesus as he could--and it has cost him a great deal of energy and effort (31).

When we have been entrusted with people who look up to us--as parents of children, as team leaders, as co-workers, as members of a congregation, as friends--it is hard to let them go. It's tough to give up some semblance of control, and entrust them into the care of others -- or, worse still, their own care! Paul suffered particularly in this situation as he knew that as soon as he left there would be those who would begin undoing all his good works with distorted truths (30).

We have to remember, as Paul did, that we are only ever trustees, or stewards, for God. He is the ruler over the hearts and minds of others. The power never really was in our hands.


Commit yourself to God's Word and test everything against it. Encourage others to do the same.


Lord, may I be able to say, as Paul, that I have been faithful to all You have called me to.

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