Life Is Not Fair

Turn on the TV to watch the news, and the first thing you observe is the injustice and the lack of fairness, which is running rampant in our poor, sick world. Furthermore, it always seems to be the poor, innocent citizen who is just trying to get on with life, minding his own business, trying to make ends meet, that is constantly feeling the brunt of it all.

How do we handle these unfair situations?

What can we do when governments make decisions that literally affect multitudes of innocent and defenseless women and children? Aristotle said, “Some things you can understand; other things belong to the realm of the gods.” In other words, he was saying that he did not know the answers.

One of the greatest minds of the modern era, Albert Einstein, once said, “What is incomprehensible is beyond the realm of science; it is in the realm of God”.

When we see a world which is running mad, it is truly incomprehensible. There is only one person we can turn to for solace, for comfort, and for strength, and His Name is Jesus Christ – the very Son of the living God!

He said that He has told us about these things, so that in Him we shall have peace. In this World we are going to have tribulation, but you and I must be of good cheer, because He, Jesus, has overcome the World. John 16:33.

Stand for the battle that is the Lord’s, my dearest friend.

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