“Then Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave him Hebron as his inheritance. So Hebron has belonged to Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel wholeheartedly.” Joshua 14:14
Caleb isn’t the most well-known name in the Bible. His story is one of disappointment and dreams deferred, and yet Caleb is a powerful example of perseverance, faith and finishing strong. One of only two people who believed God could give the Israelites the Promised Land, Caleb was out-numbered by a fearful generation. Left waiting in the wilderness for forty years, it wasn’t until Caleb was 85 years old that he finally saw God’s promise fulfilled. So what can we learn from the life of Caleb?
- A strong finish begins with a strong start. Many people live "later": After this big project, when the kids are older, when I have more time, when I retire… then I’ll have all this time to do good things. But in reality, if we’re not doing what God wants us to do now, it’s going to be very difficult to start later. Caleb had strong faith as a young man and that faith kept him going even through setbacks and disappointment.
- Fully Devoted. A life that is fully devoted to God, holds nothing back. Caleb was fully devoted to God.
- Believe God’s Promises. Even when things looked bleak, a 40 years in the desert kind of bleak, Caleb never lost hope. No matter the setback, Caleb held onto God’s promises.
- Be an Example. We see in Caleb’s story that his nephew who participated in claiming the promised land would eventually become Israel’s first judge. You never know who is watching how you handle life’s set-backs and disappointments. Be known for your unshakable faith and pursuit of God’s will even during the tough times.
What an incredible example Caleb is for the follower of Jesus. As we face the difficulties of life, setbacks and disappointments, we must never lose focus on God’s promises. What situations are causing you to lose faith? Be honest with God and ask Him to help. Ask God for faith like Caleb.