Life on God's Side


Gracious Father, Your lovingkindness draws me to You; Your faithfulness prompts me to praise You with all my heart and soul.


Psalm 124:1-8


Consider:  "God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in sea storm and earthquake" (Psa. 46:1-2, The Message).

Think Further: 

Even if this psalm were not attributed to David, we would probably have considered him the likely author! He certainly knew all about being attacked by enemies, overwhelmed by various dangers and escaping with his life. He regularly expressed praise to God for his protection (see Psa. 3). His life dramas were not unlike those of the apostle Paul, who faced beatings, imprisonments and riots, and who escaped shipwreck and violent persecution with God's help (2 Cor. 6:4-10).

Neither David nor Paul would say that if God is on our side we will not face trouble or disaster. Hardships will come to all of us and those we love, in varying degrees. How thought-provoking are the words of David that we would be overwhelmed by the difficult circumstances of life if God were not "on our side" (2). How comforting are the words of Paul, that "if God is for us, who can be against us" (Rom. 8:31). Both remind us that if life can be tough with God, then how much tougher would it be without God? We have a hope worth sharing with friends who are grief-stricken or overtaken by perilous circumstances, knowing of no way of escape and having no source of comfort, guidance or strength.

We may not face physical danger very often, but other threats might disturb our equilibrium. Whatever threatens, Jesus' followers can be sure that "absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us" (Rom 8:39, The Message).

Apply:  From what internal or external enemy is God saving you? Give thanks and praise to your heavenly Father.


Merciful Lord, I pray today for those whose outward circumstances create vulnerability and insecurity. May they individually and collectively know Your sustaining presence.

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