Matthew 5:14-16
Once we’re found by Jesus, “fishing” with him for lost people becomes part of our job description. In Luke 5, Jesus calls Peter to be his follower and fisherman. One way we “fish” is by being “light.” When Jesus called his followers to be “the light of the world,” he recognized the truth that we don’t hide a light under a basket, but let it shine in such a way so God is glorified.
We’re to be a light on many levels: behaviors, actions, reactions, habits, social life, relationships, choices, and conversations. Being a light means we're so excited about God finding us and covering us with his grace that we want others to experience being found too.
We resonate with the psalmist who writes, “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD. They rejoice in your name all day long; they celebrate your righteousness” (Psalm 89.15-16).
Today, pray about how you can light the way for others to be found by God through your actions and words. Identify an area in your life where you need to be a light and begin to shine there; invite someone to church for the first time and ask them what they thought, or tell someone the story of how Jesus found you.