Lion Encounters

When we get caught up in the crashing waves of life, it’s easy to seek advice from the people around us. Sometimes we may not realize they also might be struggling to stay afloat in the chaos of life, which causes their insight to be tainted. Only God can give us the vision and wisdom we need to break through.

If I fail to set aside time in the Word, my inner turmoil shows outwardly in the way I interact with those around me and how I react to situations. But when I encounter Jesus, it’s impossible for my countenance not to reflect His.

God wants us to come before Him with wide-eyed innocence and embrace the awe of His love and redemption. There is something about His presence that brings such clarity and childlike wonder to life’s overwhelming situations:

You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11 NKJV

His insight is far more valuable than any other. I’ve often gone into His presence feeling like a victim to life’s setbacks, but I come out taking responsibility for the choices that led me to that distorted view. In our Lion’s presence, I don’t feel ashamed or bogged down—I feel empowered, positioned, and prepared to move forward with the knowledge He’s revealed to me.

Trust the “knowing” that comes with a God encounter even when others miss what is obvious to you. When God speaks to your heart, believe Him. I pray that when we have Lion encounters, we do not relent. Instead, we choose to move into the realm of awe, wonder, and dependence on God.

Are you ready to be amazed?

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