Children are unfortunately sometimes part of stories that read more like scary movies than fairy tales. As faultless victims of their circumstances, they become part of the foster care system, and it is then that FaithBridge families have the opportunity to love them and love them well, to begin rewriting their stories with a new kind of care that they – perhaps – have never previously experienced.
One little girl entered the foster care system with such a story. The violence she had experienced in her short life was beyond what most adults have to face in a lifetime. Unfortunately, because no one can escape such stories unscathed, she suffers from fits of rage and often completely melts down. It’s beyond the normal range for children her age, and she’s also much more difficult to soothe than others.
At a loss, the foster mom reached out to her FaithBridge family consultant, looking for new ideas of what to do when moments like this explode all over the place, seemingly uncontainable. The consultant suggested praying with the little girl. Outloud. Boldly.
Now, in the midst of these episodes, this scared little girl folds her hands. She seems to know that her foster mom will start praying and waits with the hopeful expectation that the calm will come.
Jesus never promises that life will be all fun and dandy. In fact, He specifically warns His closest friends right before He is about to face the most challenging experience of His own life that even though He would be leaving them physically, peace would be possible through the Holy Spirit because of what He was about to do.
“’I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’” (John 16:33)
– Heather Werle