Living in Unity

Read: Psalm 133:1-3

On my second trip to Kenya we helped lay the foundation for a preschool. We had to move a large pile of rocks into a large hole in the ground. People from the nearby village would help us. Our team worked side-by-side with the Kenyans for hours, often in silence because we spoke different languages.

As we worked, a Kenyan man realized he could not lift the rock he was trying to pick up. When he realized it was too heavy for him alone, he looked up, pointed to me, pointed to the rock, and pointed to the hole. I knew he wanted me to help him, so I walked over. Together, we lifted the rock and threw it into the hole. Without a word spoken, we continued to work together to move several large rocks. As we worked, it felt like Psalm 133:1 coming to life: “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.”

We are all products of the same Creator. We are brothers and sisters living for the same purpose, to bring glory to Jesus and share the Gospel with the lost. It is pleases the Lord for us to live and work together in unity. In those few moments in Kenya, the Lord asked me, “What if we all acted at home the way we are acting now?” Imagine what we could accomplish if we let our purpose and vision be bigger than the differences we perceive to be insurmountable.

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