Living Letters

You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:3

As the owner of Good News Bookstore rang up my purchase, Notes From a Blue Bike – The Art of Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World, he asked, “Have you ever read anything by Tsh Oxenreider before?”

“I haven’t,” I admitted. “But Ann Voskamp wrote the foreword and that’s good enough for me!” I’m a fan of Ann (Ann Voskamp & Anne Graham Lotz), and when either one recommends a book or blog I’m pretty quick to follow.

Recommendations are only as good as the source. When false teachers came to Corinth with forged letters of recommendation about their authority, the church began to waver between two opinions. New in their faith and an easy prey to false teachings, they asked Paul for his letter of recommendation.

Paul said that a letter was not necessary. One had already been written and it was not scribbles or text on a page. It was Spirit-transformed lives! They were proof of genuine ministry and the authority of Jesus Christ! They were living letters with a wide-circulation that was known and read by everyone (2 Corinthians 3:2).

So are you. God’s children are living letters from Christ, written by the Spirit, and circulated in the towns and cities they call home. Think about that reality. When people read our lives, do they have a clear understanding of who Jesus is–our Savior and Rescuer, and who we are–sinners saved by grace? If we are the only paragraph or page of the Gospel that some people read, what have they learned about the Good News of Jesus Christ?

Are people purchasing Bibles, going to church, and most important, surrendering their lives to Christ because of the message they read in our lives? Could what took place in the Christian bookstore with Tsh Oxenredier’s book be duplicated all over the world?

Imagine someone asking a new Christian, “Have you ever been interested in following Jesus before?”

“I haven’t,” she’d say. “But _______________ (fill in your name) wrote a letter about Jesus with her life and that’s good enough for me!”

Send Me: You are God’s letter to others, your home, workplace, and beyond. What are they reading about Jesus in your life today?

The sermons you live are always louder and clearer than the ones you preach.
-Scott Williams
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