Before you read this devotion, have someone get a glass of water and take a drink.
How long did it take you to get water? Fifteen seconds, or maybe a bit longer if you had to use a drinking fountain? Where you live, getting clean drinking water is not a big deal. Every single time you are thirsty, you grab a glass, walk to the sink, and turn on the faucet.
In countries throughout the world, people have to work much harder to get their water. Every day they walk for miles and make the same journey home carrying their heavy loads so they won’t be thirsty. In Bible times, people didn’t have faucets either; they had to walk to the nearest well. Without water, they would die. That’s why they went every day.
One day Jesus met a woman at a well and started talking to her about water. Then he started talking about a different kind of water. He said, “Those who drink the water that I will give them will never become thirsty again. In fact, the water I will give them will become in them a spring that gushes up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
That sounds a little confusing, doesn’t it? How can you not be thirsty ever again? When the Holy Spirit uses God’s Word to help you believe that Jesus has defeated death and you get to live forever, you get Jesus’ living water. You don’t have to keep searching for anything else to survive. Your forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life are guaranteed. You’ll never be spiritually thirsty again.
Take a big drink!
Chomp on this!
Lots of people are spiritually thirsty. They look for all sorts of ways to help them be happy or to try to get through sad times in their lives. Talk about the people you know who need to hear about Jesus and his living water. Come up with two ways that you might be able to tell them.