Scripture never rebukes those who look for a miracle, but it often rebukes those who rule them out. In spite of this decided slant in God’s own Word, many believers today don’t actually believe in the supernatural. There are too many opportunities for abuse, they say. So they rule out any opportunities for legitimate experiences. They throw it all out for fear of the counterfeits.
The fact is that God still does miracles. He still answers prayers. He still works powerfully in the lives of those who believe. He heals, delivers, and saves—perhaps not always as we expect him to, and perhaps not uniformly. But he encourages the hearts of those who trust him for such things. And he seems to keep his distance from those who live with no expectation. “According to your faith let it be done to you” (Matthew 9:29) apparently still applies.
We would never throw out all our money for fear of the counterfeits, and it only makes sense to take the same approach with experiences of God’s power. God never assigned us to a hopeless position within the constraints and limitations of human fallenness. In fact, he always encourages hope, expectation, and a supernatural outlook. You will have losses, but you will also have victories. Live with open eyes and a racing heart. Always expect God to step powerfully into your life and your world.