Living without Regrets

“I wish I had . . .”

I can finish that sentence lots of ways. I wish I’d chosen some relationships over others. I wish I’d learned more languages when I was younger. I wish I’d done a better job of investing for later years. I wish I’d spent more time relaxing with people I love rather than stressing about career directions, deadlines, and other less significant things. Regrets are easy to think of and hard to let go of.

We do need to let go of them, but it's even better to avoid many of them to begin with. Here’s how:

Envision the future you want to have (with God’s guidance, of course), then plant the seeds for it now. Never mind if the seeds won’t bear fruit for years. They eventually will. Don’t look at any lack of results as failure, any more than you’d look at a plowed and planted field as a failure. It just hasn’t sprouted yet. But you will reap a harvest according to the seeds you’ve sown.

The bottom line is what you plant now determines your future. The more you sow now, the fewer regrets you’ll have down the road.

Whatever one sows, that will he also reap . . . Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:7, 9 ESV)





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