Look at Me When You're Talking to Me

Because of my role with Catalyst and other organizations, I get the chance quite often to hang with leaders who I really admire. Folks who are high profile and well established. At the top of their industry. Influencers in the truest sense. I'm always honored to be in the room with folks who are well-known and considered experts. One thing I've noticed about those who have "arrived" in terms of influence, and stature, and credibility, is that they are usually the kind of leader who authentically takes an interest in you when you first meet them. They ask good questions, and are genuinely interested in talking with you and learning more about you.

They look you in the eyes. They don't gaze around the room looking for someone else to talk to- they truly engage in conversation with you. Very authentic. Very real. Interested and eye to eye.

Then there's the "posers." John Maxwell categorizes these kind of folks as "climbers." You've met them before. So have I. They arrive at any gathering, party, function, or event, and immediately want to see who else is in the room. Especially those who aren't as "well known." They are way more interested in climbing than connecting. Talking to you is just simply a step in the right direction to someone else who is way more important.

That really bothers me. And I know I've been guilty of doing this before. And that bothers me even more.

So let's all commit to truly being present in conversations, especially with new folks. Let's look each other in the eyes. I am reminded today of how important it is to focus on who and what is in front of you. Being present. Whatever environment you are in, it's way more important to be a concerned connector rather than a conceited climber.

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