Looking toward the Future

No matter what the pollsters claim, no one can accurately predict all that’s going to happen in the next 365 days. The best forecasts are nothing more than educated guesses.

Changes in our culture and world have not only increased in speed and intensity, but also in their unpredictability. How can anyone feel secure and succeed in life when the future seems to be so uncertain?

Start by including God in all your plans. It's madness to make plans without consulting Him first. He's the only one who really does know the future. So we should trust Him. But sometimes it’s easier to say it than to do it. Letting go and relying on God can be tough. But it’s the best thing we can do.

Think about this wisdom from the Bible: "We make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer" (Proverbs 16:1). This doesn’t mean that we should not make plans just because God holds the final outcome in his hands. Instead look at it as a unique partnership between our efforts and God’s sovereign control. We need to use our minds, our creativity and seek out good advice from others as we plan. But ultimately, the results are going to be up to Him. In the planning process we need to ask for God’s guidance and then take action on our plan as we depend on Him.

While you can plan for tomorrow, you can't live it until it actually arrives. Lots of people spend so much time worrying about the future - they’ve got no time to enjoy today! Planning for tomorrow is wise use of your time; but worrying about it is not. When planning is done well – including seeking God’s advice – it can help to eliminate worry. But if you’re consumed with anxiety it’s difficult to trust God.

Jesus said, "So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today” (Matthew 6:34). God will take care of your today and your tomorrow…if you trust Him.

Look toward the future by relying on God as you live one day at a time.

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