Lord, I Need Spousal Support

Last year, I had an epiphany.

The same way we grow in our relationships is the same way we go deeper in intimacy with God if we commit ourselves to it.

I stumbled across Isaiah 54:5 (NLT):

"For the Lord your maker is your Husband - the Lord of hosts is His name - and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; the God of the whole earth He is called."

I'm sure I've read this sometime in the past but this time, it was mind-blowing. I was doing a book study and Chapter 54 was it for me. It contains promises and declarations of love that was very needful at that time. Anyway, I stuck with verse 5 and went to ask God some questions. I'm going to be highlighting some of my journal entries for that day. The aim here is that it opens your eyes the way it did mine, that you fall in love once again and commit yourself to God once again.

The one who made me has put a ring on my finger. He's promising me forever.  He will attend to me, take pride in me and do his best for me. Lord, right now I'm going to highlight your duties as a husband so take note. Also, being the unselfish wife that I am, I'm going to do same for me. So we both know out duties and stick to making this work.


- My husband is my head. This is a partnership where he's the leader, the guide, the director. He is the HEAD, not me.

- He loves me. The 1 Corinthians 13 kind. He's patient and kind and He'll never leave me or forsake me. He's tender and considerate. He shows me courtesy and provides support.

- He has oversight over all the areas of my life. He has a glorious, breathtaking, good plan.

- He will provide for my every need whether it's emotional or financial or health-wise, whatever it is.


Now, my part:

- I do not have authority over my own body. I cannot do what I like, obey the dictates of my flesh. My body is subject to the Holy Spirit.

- I'm to make myself beautiful and presentable to my husband. I'm to adorn myself for Him—with  a beautiful and quiet spirit (a steady, unshakeable, listening spirit.)

- I'm to SUBMIT myself to my Husband's loving leadership (whether I like it or not.) I'm to follow his directions. No tolerance for rebellion.

 Other things to note:

- My husband needs my input for this relationship to work. It takes two to tango; it takes two to make it work. The Lord needs my time, my attention and my obedience. He needs me to help Him help me.

- Spiritual adultery is when I start to focus on someone/thing rather than my Husband. He's has to stay in the center of my life and relationships. Nothing should be exalted above Him. All things should remain subject to Him."

Following that day, intimacy with God has gone to another height. I remember that I have to submit when my flesh is screaming.  I cry for spousal support when things get too hard. Sometimes, I ignore Him and I know what it is like to be away from the person you love. We have fights (honestly, I'm just fighting with myself and casting the blame). I sit down and I'm ready to hear my ever-wise maker and Husband speak. When I don't agree with His plans, I remember His love and how He wants the best for me and how His plan is to bring me to a glorious end. I get bored and childish and He's always there, looking at the window, waiting for His wife to come home so He can wrap her in His cocoon of love again.

God told me one time that if I master how we work our relationship, I would have a very wholesome relationship with the godly man I marry because I'm learning directly from the maker of the institution.

I realize more and more that this is what I was created for: intimacy, oneness, fellowship. Out of this should stem every philosophy and value I hold dear, every decision I make. I was made for Him and sorely Him, for His pleasure and His glory. I was made for Him to delight in. Isn't that something?

Girl, you and your Husband need to talk. Your Husband needs your attention. He wants to shower you with love and lovingly hold your hand through life.


Written by Ayotola

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