Love Padlocks

There’s an unusual custom in southern Hungary that began back in the 80s called “Love Padlocks.” The tradition was for couples to clamp padlocks to a wrought-iron fence in a narrow street linking the mosque in the city’s main square and the magnificent medieval cathedral. It was meant to symbolize their love and commitment to each other. But after the fence was completely covered and no more padlocks could be added, couples – both locals and tourists – began to attach them to fences and statues in the town center.

The custom gradually spread to several other European countries – each with their own new twist to the tradition. Portable locks date back to the ancient Roman Empire and now seem to have become a tangible way for couples to express their love and commitment to each other in a unique way.

How do you express your commitment to someone you love? Is it solid and secure like a padlock? Maybe there’s a fence in your community where a portable lock could be placed.

God expressed His commitment of love to each of us in a rather unique and radical way. He sacrificed his only son Jesus on a cross to pay the penalty for our sin.

But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:8 (NLT)

Most would agree it’s important to express our commitment to someone we care about. So how much more significant should it be for us to demonstrate our devotion to God. But how do we practically accomplish this? It’s not like we can go with Him and clamp a lock on a fence someplace.

The short answer is by obeying and serving God. It starts with consistent time in the Bible and prayer. Followed by “doing” – practically applying to our daily life - what we’ve read in God’s Word.

We can also express our love and commitment to God by finding ways to serve Him, including reaching out to others in our world.

Maybe it’s time to grab your Love Padlocks and express your commitment to Jesus in a more tangible way.

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