Love is patient. 1 Corinthians 13:4
Patience is a natural expression of love, as people who are loved are shown patience. However, some relationships are harder than others in which to show love patiently. An unprovoked patience requires a small capacity of love, but a provoked patience requires a greater grace. A common love effortlessly handles being treated well but requires an uncommon patience when being treated unjustly. Authentic love is willing to suffer long for the sake of the one being served. So, love patiently all people.
Are your circumstances trying your patience? Has someone gotten on your last nerve and exhausted your patience? If so, join the company of those who need a fresh perspective on God’s patient love toward us. Yes, while we were still sinners the Lord patiently allowed His son Jesus to suffer so we could be set free from the shackles of sin. Christ loves patiently--to the point of bearing our burdens with us. We are not discarded, but loved, in spite of our inconsistencies.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
Therefore, by God’s grace we demonstrate patient love to those who do not demonstrate patient love to us. Our frustrated friends would be stuck in their own crazy cycle of sin, still in need of a Savior. They are not capable of loving patiently because they have yet to receive the genuine love of their Heavenly Father. Indeed, those of us who commune with the Prince of Peace know better, but those lacking peace struggle with patience. Love is patient with impatience.
Moreover, see your marriage as a laboratory of learning how to love patiently the love of your life. Take the high ground of grace when you are hurt. Explain with loving patience to your husband or wife the pain you feel that you carry alone. Let your spouse in on your fears, dreams and angry feelings. When you express your emotions with patient love, you give permission to your spouse to do the same. Your love may suffer for a season, but your patience is a portrait of God’s grace.
Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back. Isaiah 38:17