Love Your Grandparents

Grandparents make it easy to love them. Grandpas have all the time in the world to take you fishing or to ball games. Grandmas happily sneak you a fourth chocolate chip cookie when your mom isn’t looking. When they spoil you the way they never even dreamed to spoil your parents, it’s easy to follow God’s command to “show respect to the elderly, and honor older people. In this way you show respect for your God. I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:32).

The problem comes when you say, “You’re the best!” only because they do nice things for you. What about when grandparents have to tell you, “No, I won’t buy that for you” or “You may not talk to me with that tone of voice”? What about when grandparents get older and they start forgetting things, maybe even forgetting your name.

God doesn’t say, “Show respect only when it’s easy.” He says, “Show respect.” When you put down your iPod and talk to them, when you sing for them in the nursing home, when you ask them about their childhoods, you honor them. When you honor them, you show that you honor your God.

Chomp on this!

What are some ways that you can honor your grandparents?

What are ways we can show respect to elderly people, even to people we don’t know?

Dear God, thanks for my grandparents. Forgive me when I think I’m cooler or better than they are. Forgive me when I don’t make time to talk to them. Help me show respect, ask questions, and love them even more. Amen.

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