Made for More


Lord, I want to know You more. Let me hear You as I come to Your Word, and let me be changed.


2 Timothy 2:14-26


How are you using your words?

Timothy is in a serious situation. This is not just people saying stupid things; it is an environment where what is said is destroying people's faith (18). This teaching leads to ungodliness (16) and ruin (14), spreading "like gangrene" (17). It should be avoided at all costs, along with the ensuing quarrels (23)!

The teaching is connected to two characters: Hymenaeus (cf. 1 Tim. 1:20) and Philetus. The use of names suggests these people were well-known, maybe even leaders in the church. Their heresy is summed up in a view of the resurrection that claims it has already taken place for the believer (18) rather than being a future hope (2:10).

This is serious. Paul reminds Timothy that it is not enough to simply confess the name of Jesus; Christians must turn from all wickedness (19) and pursue the things of God (22).

So, what does that look like for you today? What consumes your attention--things that are of God or things that are not? This day, will you "pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace" (22)?


Ask the Lord to give you a practical understanding of what verse 22 looks like for your life.


Lord, may my words bring life and not death. May I not agree with words that damage or are complacent.

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