I sat down at the kitchen table and two-year-old Benjamin sat across from me in his high chair. He grinned. “It’s just Daddy and Benji,” he announced. “Not Mommy, not Frances,” who were away visiting Kate’s parents.
We ate our leftover soup and a salad, and talked through the meal, something Benji and I rarely get to do. While I washed up, Benji played with his tractors on the kitchen floor. We stretched out the bath, Benji delighting in being the only one in the tub. “How about we read two bedtime books tonight?” I suggested.
“Yeah!” said Benji.
We said prayers, and I laid Benji in his crib. The house was quiet. I missed Kate and Frances terribly. But suddenly I realized Benji wasn’t the only one getting some much-needed alone time with his father.
After I finished making Benji’s lunch, I’d have plenty of time to sit down with my Book of Common Prayer and say evening prayer. In the morning, I wouldn’t be banging out of bed at 5:30 to exercise. I’d sit on the sofa, waiting for Benji to wake up, Book of Common Prayer in my lap.
“It’s just You and me, Lord,” I whispered. “Thank You.”
Today, I will spend time alone with You, God.