Making Every Moment Count

Parenting is hard work. It’s the job we never take a vacation from and the role we rarely get respect for. But as we love our kids and try our best to raise them, we get a small glimpse into what it’s like for our heavenly Father to parent us.

Throughout the Bible, God gives us instructions on how to raise our children. Bullet Point Parenting shares God’s instructions on parenting and practical ways to put it into action.

"Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16). 

Life is busy! How can I make the most of every moment I have with my kids?

  • Make people your priority not perfection. The laundry can wait, and the messy bathroom will still be there when the kids go to bed.
  • Laugh more. Yell less.
  • Ask your kids open-ended questions, especially about subjects they are interested in. Car rides are great for this!
  • Eat meals together, even if it means spending your lunch break at their school.
  • Turn mealtimes into conversation times. Whether your dinner table is at home or in a fast food drive thru, implement a $1 fine for texting, tweeting or taking phone calls during dinner. Put the fine money toward a family outing.
  • Create technology-free zones. These zones could be rooms of the house, times of day or specific family events where you turn off the TV, computer and iPad, and put down the phone. Don’t even use your phone to take pictures. Just enjoy the moment.
  • Find out what best communicates love to your child and look for opportunities to do that. For some it’s a note in their lunchbox, for others it’s a hug when they come home from school.
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