Maximizing Our Marriages

I have always found it fascinating to know God placed Adam in the garden to care for it and to tend it before He gave Adam his wife, Eve.  What I find interesting about this is Adam would have understood his role as a steward.  As a result, he would have received Eve as a gift from God with the understanding that he (Adam) was a steward of Eve. While stewards do not own what the Master entrusts to them, a steward does have the responsibility of protecting and enhancing the Master’s investment. In short, the role of the steward is to maximize the Master’s investment.

What would change in our marriages if husbands understood they were stewards of their wives? If wives understood they were stewards of their husbands? What if every spouse was committed to maximizing the life of their husband or wife?

What would a good steward do? Here are some thoughts:

First, a good steward would study the investment entrusted to them. They would know everything they could about it. Have you studied your husband or wife like this? Do you know them like this?

Second, a good steward would recognize potential and then, put the investment in a place where that potential could be realized.  What potential does your spouse possess? How are you helping them fulfill it?

Third, a steward protects the value of the investment. Enough said.

As Christians, we believe our spouses are gifts from God. We believe we’re responsible for helping our spouses reach their full potential in Christ. That takes a plan. That takes work and prayer. For just as Christ has given our spouses to us, one day we’ll have to give them back.  And yes, Christ Himself will hold us accountable for the gift He entrusted to us.

So, how about it? Do you know your husband or wife like this? Do you have a plan? What’s the next step for you as steward of your spouse?

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