Promises…we all make them to our family and friends in actions, vows and even contracts. Our world is filled with people, businesses and even the government that make promises.
But many times the agreements we make are never fulfilled. It could be a result of over-commitment, lack of desire or totally forgetting what we said. Ugh…
Have you ever been disappointed by someone who promised to do something and never followed through? Maybe you’ve been the one that didn’t keep a promise. Unfortunately, it happens all too frequently.
My Grandfather worked for the mob. Trust me, it was an interesting way to grow up. He was known as ‘Big Ernie.’ There were many life lessons I learned from him that I still practice today. One very significant one had to do with keeping your word. Frequently he would tell me, my brother, and my cousins to keep our promises. “Always keep your word,” he’d say. “It may be tough or cost you to do what you promised. You may never make that commitment again, but you’re not much of a man if you don’t keep your word.”
Grandpa even told us that we didn’t need contracts when doing business. “You just look the other person in the eyes and shake their hand. That’s all the bond you need,” he’d say. All of us guys in the family took his advice seriously. And we’ve all been burned by people that didn’t keep their part of the agreement.
It all comes down to a basic life principle: mean what you say and say what you mean. Jesus put it this way: “Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one.” Matthew 5:37 (NLT)
It’s simple but profound. Just imagine how different life and the world would be if everyone just kept their word.
Try this in the next few days and weeks. Every time you make a promise – whatever it is – make a mental note or one on your phone notepad. Then check to see if you keep it. You might be surprised what happens.