
Mark 16:1-8

Every one of us, in moments of honesty, can look back at the “messes” of our lives: a huge mistake of a choice, bruised and broken after the choices of others, and moments of regret and remorse. Those times when life seems unfair, things are crashing all around us, and we have no control. It’s at times like these we need to remember that God has not abandoned us.

Abandonment. Peter had abandoned Jesus and certainly thought Jesus had abandoned him. Humanly speaking, there was no reason to think otherwise. At the hour of Jesus’ greatest need, as he received both a beating and a death sentence, Peter denied him three times. As the enormity of his “mess” descended on his soul, Peter could only break down and weep.

We’ve all been there, whether through our own actions or the choices of others. It’s in times like these, perhaps more than others, we need to hear from God.

It’s why the angel, near the tomb of the resurrected Jesus, told the women, “He has risen! He is not here…But go, tell his disciples and Peter” (Mark 16.6-7). Peter, more than anyone else, needed to hear what we all need to hear—you are loved, you are forgiven, you are accepted. No matter the mess.

As you welcome God into your day, thank him for his love and his faithfulness in the midst of your messes, both past and present.

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