Mighty Man of God, Part 1

These are the names of David’s mighty men: Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite, ws chief of the Three; he raised his spear against eight hundred men, whom he killed in one encounter. 2 Samuel 23:8 NIV

Today’s verse is from one of my favorite passages in the Old Testament. I love reading about David and his triumphs, but to read about the men he influenced is even a greater joy. The mighty men of David were valiant, strong men of character and courage. We can learn some things from these men. I have often shared them with my two boys, because I want them to be “mighty men” for God. This week, we will look at three principles we can learn from David’s mighty men, which I believe can help us become the men and women God wants us to be. (I will be using the term "mighty men", but that term is not gender specific. You can be a mighty man or a mighty woman of God.)

Today, as we consider Josheb-Basshebeth, you should see that a mighty man of God has the courage to win the battle for Christ. Josheb was no slouch. He fought hard, and he won. I can’t even begin to understand how one man can have victory over 800 men, but that should be a lesson to us that “nothing is impossible with God”. I should be reminded that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Are you facing something which today seems unbearable? You must, then, be looking at the problem and not at the Problem-Solver. If the storm seems to difficult, you must have your focus on the storm, and not on the “One to whom even the winds and the waves obey”. God’s Spirit and help are available to you and me today to face the journey ahead. We must trust him if we are to win the battle.

Do you want to be a mighty man or woman of God? Allow God to do the impossible through you today!

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