Mistake Free

Then [the Lord] will strengthen you to be holy. Then you will be blameless in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all God’s holy people” (1 Thessalonians 3:13).

Most kids think the worst part of writing workshop at school is editing and rewriting. Really, you just finished writing a paper and you think you’re all done. Then the teacher tells you to edit it. You use a red pen to mark the spelling errors, use more descriptive words, and rewrite it. Okay, done. What? No? Now you need to proofread it and give it one last look to make sure it’s perfect.

Believe it or not, some people actually think proofreading is fun. They like making sure that spelling and grammar are perfect before their work is finished. For some people, that’s their entire job—making sure newspapers, magazines, and websites are perfect before they get published.

Just like spelling errors and grammar mistakes on your papers, sin leaves us with mistakes and errors in our lives. Unlike our papers, we can’t correct the mistakes on our own. That’s why Jesus came, to live perfectly for us. Now, even though we are sinful, when God looks at us, he only sees Jesus’ perfect grade.

You are now blameless—mistake free—to God.

Dear Lord, you give me the strength to be holy. Thank you for giving me the credit, for making me mistake free, for giving me Jesus’ grade. Thank you that when it’s my turn to go to heaven, you’ll give me a perfect grade on my life. Amen.
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