Moms and Dads

Colossians 3:18-19

Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting for those who belong to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and never treat them harshly

One of the most effective ways for moms and dads to impact how well their families love one another is to make sure they love one another well. Men need to feel respected, women need to feel loved (Eph 5:33), and your children are watching how well you do both. Does that thought make you uncomfortable? I sure hope so.

Wives, you need to follow your husband’s lead, especially in front of others. If you believe he is off base on something, discuss it with him in private, never in front of others, and especially never in front of your children. If you don’t respect his God-ordained position you can’t expect your children to.

Husbands, never treat your wives harshly. Don’t talk down to them or degrade them or insult them, especially in front of others. Never take their hard work and dedication for granted. If you don’t honor and esteem her you can’t expect your children to. By the way, the Bible says that a bad relationship with your wife will hinder your prayers (1 Peter 3:7), so if you feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling…you might take a look at how you have been treating your wife.

APPLICATION: Ask your children to share how they view your relationship as a married couple. Does dad love, honor, and esteem mom? Does mom show dad respect? What problems do your kids see in your marriage, and what good things do they see? Close in prayer, asking the Lord to help you do a better job of loving one another.

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