Money Issues Are Heart Issues

I know how transformational it is when someone begins making wise money choices from a young age. Becoming an adult, though, is a complicated process involving a lot of demands and pulls. Therefore, disciplining oneself to learn about financial wisdom and then implementing that wisdom will be a challenging process for any of you who choose to embark on the journey.

Money is a mirror. When God gave us a physical body and put us in a material world, He knew that physical beauty and material gain would become very important to us. However, He wants our hearts. By giving us money, He gave us a way to “look at” our hearts. Jesus spoke plainly in the gospels, when He said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21 and Luke 12:34). When we examine where our money goes, we also see a picture of our hearts.

It’s easy to become fixated on mirrors and what they reveal about our hair, skin, teeth, and physical appeal. We are “stuck with” the bodies that we have, but we are always seeking to improve them.  

I encourage you, though, to walk the path of wisdom and examine the spiritual mirror that God has given you… examine your financial flow and ask yourself, “what does my heart look like?” Is it anxious, fearful, doubtful, needy?  Is it generous, content, grateful, joyful? As you examine your most recent financial transactions, look deeply into the reality of your heart.  The wonderful news is that our hearts are not “stuck.” God is in the business of transforming hearts.  He promises in Ezekiel 11:19, “And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them. And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.”  

Remember to use the heart mirror that God has given you, and remember that He is the author of true beauty.

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