Montgomery Street

Signor Guiseppe Bartolo flew in to the New York airport and took the bus into Manhattan. He loaded his baggage into a taxi and said, "Montgomery Street." The taximan took him to such a street and Bartolo pulled out a picture of a house and tried to find it - it wasn't there. He left the cab and started to walk. An hour later the cabby took the baggage to the police. That evening the police brought Bartolo in, still insisting that the house was gone. There was the picture of his son's house - on Montgomery Street, San Francisco! The father wouldn't believe the "New York" on the policemen's badges, until they got his son on the telephone. Only then was he convinced, only then did he consent to start on his way west.

How many people there are who think they are in a place of spiritual safety when in reality they are lost souls! They have some vague trust in religion of some sort and are far, far from Christ. The only way to be sure is to have the definite assurance of the Bible - the Word of God - a full commitment to the Christ of the Bible, backed up by the Holy Spirit's witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, and a definite knowledge of spiritual growth in likeness to Christ.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

  1. Why are “religion” and “good works” the way of death?
  2. How are “legalism” and “carnality” ways of death for the believer?
  3. What is the “Montgomery Street” in your life?


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