I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. (Philippians 3:14-15)
In the annals of Christian history, so many people stand out as wonderful examples of faithfulness. One of those people is David Livingstone, the great missionary to Africa. I recently reread a quote from him where he said, “I’ll go anywhere as long as it is forward.” What an inspiring statement of faith!
I wonder what would happen if the church today lived by that simple statement… to go anywhere for God and to move forward by faith. I believe it would completely transform how our churches operate. I believe we’d see more people than ever come to faith in Christ.
So what’s keeping us from that? What’s holding the church back from an abandoned commitment to moving our faith forward and expanding God’s Kingdom? The answer is simple: fear. People are afraid of what people will think and are more concerned with keeping up a good image than saving the lost from hell.
That stings a little, doesn’t it? Well, you have the power to change it if you’re in Christ. You can turn your life over to Him today in complete surrender, and He’ll take you forward. But first things first… you have to give God control. Abandon yourself to Him and He’ll move your faith forward like never before!
Move your faith forward by giving God control of your life and living in obedience to Him.