Mustard Seeds

The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch in its branches” Matthew 13:31-32.

In a world of supersized everything, it is discouraging that so many don’t recognize the impact their daily activity can have in the kingdom of God. A few years back, I had a friend who suggested that we start a Bible Study, which we did. For over 3 years, this Bible Study has taught us and challenged us as a group. We have learned the precious stories of the Bible and how it is applicable in our own lives. We have prayed together, calling on God for His power, comfort, and healing. Individually, we have been led to separate fields of service impacting our personal circles of influence. In case you are wondering how many attend this Bible Study, our greatest number was 4 and the fewest number is 3… mustard seeds.  In 2008, God led me to begin a ministry called Emerging Life Ministries (ELM) which began primarily as a morning blog. Some years later not much has changed, but I trust that people are changing through His inspiration of my writing that He gave to me… mustard seeds.

Jesus described the kingdom of heaven as tiny seeds planted to harvest a future yield. Every Christian should be motivated by planting small seeds with the potential of a great harvest. Edward Kimball was a Sunday School teacher who led Dwight Moody as a young boy into his acceptance of Christ. Through Moody’s small seed, John Chapman became a full-time evangelist, bringing Mordecai Ham into giving his life to Christ. As a result of Ham's planting his mustard seed, a 16-year old boy gave his life to the Lord…that little boy was Billy Graham… mustard seeds.

Our role is to seek and fellowship with God to determine where He has purposed for us to plant. ‘Every act of obedience carries with it the potential to mightily impact the kingdom of God…God chooses to work through the small and weak to demonstrate His power to a watching world. Small beginnings do not necessarily mean a small finish. Most of God’s greatest work has begun small, like the mustard seed’ Experiencing God, p. 187. Never underestimate the power of God using your service, however small it may be, to impact the kingdom.

"This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger..." Luke 2:10.

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