My Best Friend

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” -- Luke 11:13

There's a story about a poor man who had immigrated to America from Europe in search of work in the 1800s. When he and his family arrived in New York, they quickly found that overcrowding and lack of job opportunities made life there very difficult. After several years of surviving on what little money they could earn, the man learned about opportunities to become rich across the country in California. They saved for months until he had enough money for a train ticket. The train ride would last more than a week, so the man wrapped some cheese and bread in a cloth.

Every day of the journey, he could smell the aroma of the wonderful meals coming from the dining car. He dreamed of sitting in that car eating a warm dinner. After a week, his bread and cheese were gone and there were still several days left on the journey. When the train finally arrived, the dining car steward approached the man and said, “Sir, I hope we haven’t offended you, but we never saw you in the dining car.” The man replied, “Oh no. Everyone on the train has been so gracious. I just didn’t have the money for meals during the journey.” The steward looked perplexed and asked, “Sir, were you aware that meals in the dining car were included in the price of the train ticket?” By then it was too late. The man had missed his opportunity for blessing and provision on the journey.

There are so many Christians just like this man. God has set the table for us, but so many of us don’t show up to receive all He has for us. Instead, we choose to barely get by on our own.

But the truth is that God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit and it’s available to every Christian. Now that you’ve read through this devotional, if you’ve never received the Holy Spirit, I pray that you’ll ask God for this wonderful gift. Don’t spiritually starve like the man on the train. Instead, ask God for the Holy Spirit, and receive the friendship, blessing, grace, and power that He gives. I pray you won’t go another day without a relationship with the Holy Spirit. He’s my best friend and He wants to be yours too. 


Holy Spirit, I don’t want to miss the spiritual provision and blessings You offer! I desire to be in relationship with You. Help me to see You as my friend today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


  • Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 7:7; John 14:14; Hebrews 4:16
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