My Place in the Universe: Choosing Humility

I recently watched an amazing NASA video of the universe that just takes your breath away. The video reminds me of how awesome God is and how small and tiny earthlings are.

Can you imagine? The God of all who uses the earth as His footstool (Isaiah 66:1); Who sets the stars in place (Psalm 8:3); Who gathered the water to make dry land (Genesis 1:9) is the same God who chose to humble Himself to take on the form of humanity and come to us as an infant.

It’s simply astounding!

Philippians 2:5-7 tells us, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” (NIV)

Have you ever thought about what this verse means? I think about it occasionally and then move on to other things. The implications on my life that the God of the universe took on human limitations is mind-boggling!

Humility Day-to-Day

I consider all this about God – and then there’s me. Humility is so not part of my vocabulary. The first line in Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren says, “It’s not about me.” The truth is that for most of us, it’s almost always about ourselves.

And then, there’s Jesus. He was 100 percent human and 100 percent divine. So how did His human part not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant? Most of us would be grabbing, grasping, straining at anything that would give us more power.

I believe Jesus was so committed to His role in redeeming humankind that He simply chose to go to the cross so that you and I could be set free to accept or reject His offer of salvation. Serving was at His core!

If I can follow His model of being so committed to my role of serving those around me – at home, work, church, community, city, etc. – then maybe I can begin to live a life of humility. Maybe then I will gladly give up my own rights, plans, etc. for others!

A Life of Humility

When I think of humility and who might emulate it in some ways, I always consider …

  • Mother Teresa. She went to live among the poorest of the poor, to serve them in every way she could. 
  • Those among us who have served our country through our military, to be willing to make the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf so that the freedoms we enjoy might continue.
  • Missionaries and others who have gone to unknown places around the world, to share the Name and Message of Jesus.
  • Parents who sacrifice their own personal goals and agenda for their children, to raise up a strong, loving and faithful next generation

Who do you consider when you think of a life of humility? What one step can you take today to becoming a more humble person?

O, Lord, may this be our prayer: “He [God] guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.”  Psalm 25:9

By Karen McGuire

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