I asked Him, "Why?"
I asked Him, "What?"
I asked Him, "How come?"
Still more silence.
With bowed head and yielded heart, I felt His assurance wash over me like deep waters.
He assured me the answers were safe with Him.
They were safe in the deepness of His knowing.
They were safe in my not knowing.
They were safe with Him who navigates the deeper waters.
They are safe in His hands, the Creator of time.
He assured me that when I was ready to receive the answers then He would be ready to give them to me.
His answers will bring the fruit of knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
He would release the answers in the perfect time.
He said, "Does a Farmer sow seed in the middle of a snow storm.
I rested in such love.
My frustrations were put to rest.
My anger quieted.
My doubts vanished.
While navigating these deep waters, I am like a child saying, "Daddy, are we there yet?"
He responds, "No, Chrissy. We're not there yet, but rest your weary head we will get there in time. I know where we're going and when we'll get there. Trust Me."
But blessed is the one who trusts the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water, that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17:7-8