Need a Goodie From God?

I recently returned from a trip to Washington, D.C., for the annual American Mothers Convention where all the State Mothers of the Year and the State and National Mothers of Achievement convened for a three-day extravaganza of celebrating motherhood. I was especially honored to travel with Shouna Olson – Oklahoma Mother of the Year – and her daughter, Wynter.

As we were checking our bags and getting our boarding passes, the American Airlines attendant was especially helpful. After she served us, Shouna handed her an American Airlines voucher, a paper ticket (worth money) given to employees of the airline who do a fantastic job. With exuberant joy the lady commented, “Oh, thank you! This is such a blessing as I’m raising my grandchild!” So from then on (with 10 vouchers left to pass out), we were on a search to give the little surprises to any flight attendant who went out of her way to be sincerely attentive.

While walking down the ramp to get on the plane, I could hardly wait to greet the first hostess in hopes she’d be observant of my presence. Would she look at me intentionally just to say Welcome enthusiastically?  Unfortunately, she barely said hello.

I turned to Shouna and whispered, “Well, she just lost her voucher!” One after another, attendants passed up the opportunity to receive a FREE and WONDERFUL blessing that we held in our hands. All they had to do was turn our way, genuinely connect with us, and we would bless them with an expensive goodie. It became a trivial little game for us the entire trip.

Then I began to wonder: Does my heavenly Father play the same game with me? Does He wait on High for me to turn His way so that He can give me a word of wisdom voucher or a protection voucher or a comfort voucher? If so, then how many vouchers have I passed up simply because I didn’t accept God’s invitation to “turn aside to look”? 

It reminded me of Moses. He almost missed a heavenly voucher one day. In Exodus 3 he was pasturing the flock of Jethro, and the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from a bush. God’s Word says, “And when Moses turned aside to look, God spoke to him.” Such a moment opened the floodgate for God to unleash His blessings. The next ten verses reveal the redeeming value of those golden tickets.

  • God gave him compassion, “I am aware of your sufferings.” vs. 7
  • God gave him hope, “I will deliver you from the power of the Egyptians.” vs. 8
  • God gave him direction, “I will send you to the Pharaoh.” vs.10
  • God gave him protection, “I will be with you.” vs. 12
  • Why? All because Moses initially TURNED ASIDE TO LOOK.

Humm…God extends to us the same invitation. Maybe it’s time for us to “turn aside to look.” If God’s handing out vouchers, I want one. How about you?

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