The fourth president of Wheaton College, Victor Raymond Edman, summed up the discipline of waiting in David’s life like this, “The delay seemed to be interminable and intolerable, but was indispensable in preparing David for his long career as king of his people, to which office he had been appointed many years before. Delay never thwarts God’s purpose; rather, it polishes His instrument.” You can be certain the same is true for you—in your waiting, the Father is refining you and fitting you for His awesome purposes.
Dear friend, are you unsure of your way? Do you have needs only He can provide? Is your path blocked on every side? Do you wonder if God has forgotten you? The nevers of life can discourage you and rend your heart if you don’t focus on the One who ultimately holds your future in His hands.
Your heavenly Father isn’t driven, limited, or intimidated by seeming impossibilities or complex earthly circumstances. Rather, He is motivated to act on your behalf out of His unconditional love and the wonderful plans He has for you. He is working powerfully to teach you to listen to Him, transform your character, strengthen your commitment, establish your faith, and free you from bondage.
Therefore, don’t despair and never give up! This season of waiting is for an excellent purpose. And if you will remain in your present circumstances until you receive further instructions—seeking His face, obeying Him, and walking by faith rather than sight—you will certainly not be disappointed.
This excerpt is from Waiting on God, a new book by Charles F. Stanley.