Never Satisfied

Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless. Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV

If you really get into your possessions, then they will never really satisfy you. No, there is nothing wrong with stuff, but if you find your happiness in that stuff, then there will never be enough stuff to make you happy.

As a business person, I have encountered so many people, I must say especially men, who set huge goals for themselves. They want the right house, the right car, the right boat, and all the right accessories to go with it all. They work so hard to meet their goals, that their family suffers in the end. From experience, I can tell you that these individuals rarely appear “happy” with their lot in life. They are never really satisfied. Once one goal is met, there is another goal yet to be achieved.

May I ask you to consider something? In what do you find satisfaction? What brings you real fulfillment in life? What are you looking to bring you joy? Are the “things” in this world more important to you than anything else? Could you be just as happy if you didn’t have all your “stuff?”

As we move into the Christmas season, consider your ways. What message are you sending to your family, and all those you love, just by the way you celebrate the season? Is it a celebration of His birth, or an opportunity to help you and other people meet their goals?

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