We were all gathered in a circle on my friend’s living room floor. I was gently opening their sweet gifts for my 23rd birthday. Sigh. I felt so blessed. Here were some of the dearest women in my life, all here to celebrate me. Seriously!?
Pulling out the tissue paper, I pulled out a frame covered in shells. Turning it over to see the photo, tears started to well up in my eyes. It wasn’t a photo; in its place was a verse:
“For the LORD God is a sun and a shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” || Psalm 84:11
“Thank you”, softly flowed off my lips as I hugged the frame close to my heart. This was one of my favorite verses; I had clung to it since my junior year in high school when a mentor pointed it out to me. I couldn’t count how many times I had repeated this truth to my weary, aching heart.
A few weeks ago in our bible study we were talking about how we walk through seasons of wanting to be in a relationship when we’re not—when we’re in the season of singleness when we long to be with someone? I shared this verse with the girls because this was my verse as I walked through my seasons of singleness when it was hard. Yes, we can tell ourselves, “Oh, it’s okay. The right guy will come along someday.” Our friends can tell us that, our parents can tell us that. But for me, that never totally filled me with hope. “But what if that guy doesn’t come along?” I would think. Or, “How long Lord?” When my friends started to date, and get engaged, and then married. When I had just broken up with my first boyfriend. (Who I now am married to!) When I had just been broken up with... How do we walk through those seasons? Those thoughts?
By running to Jesus.
Putting our hope in Jesus.
Beloved, He alone is our hope. He alone is our anchor and our shield. He gives promises, and His promises are sure. He is faithful. This verse declares that not only does God shine on us and shower us with grace, not only does He actually give us honor and favor—He loves us. He wants us. BUT there’s more. There’s a promise:
He withholds nothing good from those who walk uprightly.
If we are His, if we are following Jesus—then Beloved, take heart. He is withholding no good thing from you. Wherever you are right now, that is His best for you. God is full of wisdom and knows what is best for His children. If you are single, then He knows that that is best for you right now. For today. He is fulfilling His very purpose for you today. If you are dating someone, then that is His best for you right now—He is fulfilling His purpose for you. If you are married right now, then that is His best for you. Wherever you find yourself today, if you are walking close to Jesus, then God is withholding no good from you, beloved.
But I left out the best part. Verse 12,
“O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you.”
Blessed is the one who trusts in Him.
Beloved, trust Jesus today for where you are. You are in His hands. He is holding you. He cares for you. He is careful with you. Take heart. He is for your good.
How can you apply this verse to your current situation? Are you walking uprightly? How does this verse fill you with hope?