No Ordinary Day

My husband wanted to take me away from the busyness of life for a while. He loves to visit museums, shopping malls and points of interest. However, at times he will come to me with a serious look and I know then, he wants some time with no computers, no TV and, believe it or not, no cell phones.

We found a little cabin in the deep woods where the birds wake us and there is a screened porch and a swing. Besides, it makes returning home to the luxuries of life a big deal!

Our first morning at our cabin, I watched Richard with a pile of books in front of him. I sat in the swing, enjoying the quietness and morning breeze. But even as we change locations, my mind goes home.

This morning my 87-year-old dad was on my mind. I could enjoy these few days because I knew he was in safekeeping with my sister. On this morning, May 26, my mind drifted back to the May 26 morning when my first son was born. I remember just as vividly, the day I bent over to kiss him for the last time, walking away with my other two sons and husband, by my side. Death is so final. Yes, this change of location was good on this day. My husband had been thinking of me.

Life, good or bad, continues with full days, quiet time, but never, ever ordinary days. Those disappeared from my life with the passing of my son. All days are precious, not ordinary. Each one is an opportunity for reflection, learning, loving, encouraging, neighboring, resting, laughing, and growing in any 24-hour period. One of my favorite authors has written a book that says, “Never stop dancing.” 

He is right. Life may cause us to grieve or stand still at times, but we must continue with hope and eagerness in our hearts and always dance.

King David, in Psalms 90:12 penned the words, “Teach us to number our days... ”

Author Dr. Gordon Livingston says, “Most people die with their music still inside them.” I believe David and Dr. Livingston are saying be wise. Enjoy your music, the music placed in you by your creator. Pass it on. 

If you are a believer in God and His son, Jesus, you know we do not get to come back and try again. Life is for now. Grow your relationship with Christ. As you do, you will want to take others with you on your life journey. That is why I share this story.

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