Not Better, Just Different

Boys’ view: Boys go to Mars to get more candy bars. Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider.

Girls’ view: Girls rule! Boys drool!

God’s view: “When God created humans, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female. He blessed them and called them humans when he created them” (Genesis 5:1,2).

Instead of making fun of each other and fighting over who is better, God thinks that having two types of people with unique differences is equally cool! Boys have an awesome energy level and fearlessness that helps show God’s power and strength. Girls are great at communicating and bring a compassion that demonstrates how loving and ready-to-listen God is. When you try to make yourself seem better or more important by saying mean things about the opposite gender, you are telling God, “I’m not sure your plan was all that great.” Instead of looking at each other’s differences, look for the ways that you all have been blessed by God to work for him.

By the way, on the sixth day of creation—after making both males and females—“God saw everything that he had made and that it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).

Chomp on this!

When you watch TV, how do the kids on TV talk about boys and girls? Do they say nice things about each other or put each other down to try to get a laugh?

Dear God, forgive me for the times I thought I was more awesome than someone else. Remind me that the way you created the world is the way you wanted it to be. Let my words be kind. Amen.

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