Not Enough

One morning I awoke early from a sound sleep repeating the words “It’s not enough!”

It’s a blessing to pay off your credit cards . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to pay off your cars . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to pay off your student loans . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to pay off your home mortgage . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to have 3 months of income saved up for emergencies . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to save enough to pay for your kids’ education . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to save enough to full fund your retirement . . . but it’s not enough!

It’s a blessing to reach True Financial Freedom on the Compass Money Map . . . but it’s not enough!
Many people who don’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord have achieved all these goals. But for the person who knows the Savior, there is more. The Compass Mission statement captures this: Equipping people worldwide to faithfully apply God’s financial principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him and help fund the Great Commission.

Did you notice the three reasons we focus on equipping people to handle money God’s way?

First, so that they may know Christ more intimately. All through the Bible there is an intimate correlation between how we handle money and the quality of our relationship with the Lord. Luke 16:11 says, “If therefore, you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you?” If we are faithful in handling money God’s way, we will enter into closer fellowship with Christ.

Second, so we can be free to serve Him. If we are burdened by debt or suffocating materialism, we will be distracted from serving the Lord will all of our hearts, and minds and strength.

Third, so that we can help fund the Great Commission. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus told us, “All authority has been given Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always.”    

If you are making progress handling money God’s way, and you are getting to know Christ better, getting freer to serve Him, and becoming more generous to fund the Great Commission . . . then that is enough.

Written by Howard Dayton

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