Not Just a Number

Passages: Luke 18 & Psalm 51

Have you ever been somewhere where someone very important (and notorious) was speaking or performing? Have you ever wanted just a moment with him or her—just one brief minute or two—to ask a question, or get some personal advice? But then reality sets in when you look around and realize you're surrounded by hundreds upon thousands of other people, everyone else probably also hoping to get a word with (or just an autograph from) this certain celebrity. You slowly and sadly realize: “There's just no way. I'm just a number. There's no way I'd ever get that chance. It's impossible.”

It would have easy for the blind man in Luke 18:35-42 to feel that way. Jesus was walking into Jericho one day, and this man, unable to see, just happened to be sitting down and begging alongside the entrance road. He heard the crowd's cheering and excitement and asked what was going on. “It's Jesus of Nazareth,” he was told. Don't you think his heart raced? His skin tingled? His breathing quickened? “This could be it,” he might have thought. “This could be my one and only chance! Maybe He will stop and talk to me. Maybe He will heal me!”  Nothing could keep the blind man from going wild, calling out Jesus' name, waving his arms, beckoning Him near. The folks around him understandably grew embarrassed and tried to hush him. Yet this blind man was insistent. He didn't listen to the naysayers. “Son of David, have mercy on me!” he yelled. Jesus immediately took notice and came over to him. Jesus asked him what he'd like Him to do. Of course, the man replied that he'd like to regain his sight. Jesus granted him his wish.

Let this be an example to all of us. The meek, the quiet, the humble, the unnoticed—Jesus knows who you are, where you are, and all you need. Yes, there are hundreds, thousands, millions more. But Jesus knows you're there. Jesus longs to love on you—to talk to you—to answer your questions. Just speak up and ask Him.

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