Love is difficult to define. It’s more than a feeling although it causes me to feel. Much more than a noun, I’d categorize love as a verb. Love “does.”
I’ve been blessed to experience love in my marriage. Not a surface love expressed only in words, but true love that gives without expecting anything in return.
A confession
I have to admit I’m not the best housekeeper. Any given day I’d rather be at my computer writing than scrubbing, mopping, or dusting. The house stays picked up, but I don’t clean regularly. A few weeks ago, instead of criticizing me, my husband began vacuuming the carpets without saying anything.
His actions spoke to me louder than words would have. I was motivated to stop thinking of myself and make time for something that was important to him. And I actually enjoyed cleaning.
My husband has taught me what unconditional love looks like. His love accepts me as I am – quirks and all. It doesn’t judge me or put unreasonable expectations on me. It forgives. My husband’s love makes me feel secure.
The love of God
The love of my man points to the love of my Heavenly Father. The Father’s love for me was so great He willingly gave His Son to bridge the sin-gap and restore our relationship.
But God commendeth (showed) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8, KJV
Now that’s love! It doesn’t require me to perform. It’s a love so deep, it’s impossible to comprehend.
Your turn
Have you experienced this kind of love? Realize the Father is offering it to you. Take Him up on His offer!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for showing me what true love looks like. Forgive me for my selfishness. Help me to give selflessly. Help me to love like You do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.