On Identity

“A person gets his identity in life based on how the most important person in his life sees him.”  Charles Cooley, Looking Glass Self

Loser? Sinner? Poser? Stranger? Orphan? Leader?

How God sees you shapes your personality, your attitude, your marriage, and your relationships. Few of us were raised in homes where we were consistently taught that God sees us as His son… a son that was chosen by God to be included in His family. We didn’t just “happen;” we were intentionally adopted by our Heavenly Father.

He wanted you; He wants you still.

He wants to help you… to be there for you. He wants to guide you, affirm you, bless you, and “love on” you. He wants to help you interpret the events and circumstances of your life so you have peace about them. He wants to continually teach you so you’ll teach others. A disciple is a learner and follower of Jesus. And that starts when we accept our position in His family… beloved, adopted, forgiven son of the Living God.

Everything in a godly man’s life is built on this foundation.

Since we get our earliest ideas about God from our earthly fathers, you’ll find most men haven’t received the consistent, unconditional love of their dads. Consequently, they aren’t sure where they stand with God. They may know they’re “saved,” but that’s about it.

What we want to help you and others see is that your Heavenly Father is your forever Father, and that He sees you as His adopted son. Once adopted, you can’t be “un-adopted;” neither can a man who has truly accepted God’s offer of adoption ever be fatherless again.

Even if you succeed in getting this concept across to yourself, it may take years for you to grasp it experientially. 

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