On Solid Ground

In November, while in New Zealand, I toured a place of geothermal activity known as Hells Gate. There were warning signs everywhere telling people to stay on the trails.  To step off them, you would be stepping onto unstable ground; it’s a molten substance that could burn you to death.

Two of the features that stood out to me were called Devil’s Cauldron and Sodom and Gomorrah. Stepping off the path and dangling a toe into Sodom and Gomorrah or Devil’s Cauldron would cause excruciating pain and leave your toe badly burned.  The hazards were very clear to anyone who was in the park.

While in the park,  it got me to thinking about what happens when we step off the path God has laid out for us. Sometimes we choose to dangle our foot, here and there, in the world which is a huge gamble. The world offers some very dark things.

Pornography is a multimillon-dollar industry that feeds prostitution and sex trafficking.  Personal ads asking for explicit sexual things are a huge part of Craigslist. Sexting is not just an adult activity, it’s ugly and sinks its dangerous claws into our children. Social media sites have taken bullying to a whole new level of evil. Cyber bullying continues to rise and with it comes the deaths of those who cannot take the pain of what is done to them.

As parents, we need to talk to our kids about the risks of what is out there.  We need to give them the tools to stay on the path. Prayer for our children is huge but it can’t be all we do.  We need to talk openly with them about the dangers of the internet.  We need to talk with them about sex.  It may be embarrassing but if we don’t talk to them, someone else is going to.

When we don’t keep communication open and give our children the important tools of prayer and scripture along with a relationship with Jesus, we are like a parent who sets their toddler on the path at Hells Gate and lets them run wherever they want with no guidance.  Your toddler could be burned alive right in front of you if they fell into Devil’s Cauldron, Sodom and Gomorrah, or one of the other pools along the path.

As parents we should also be horrified by what our teens can fall into if we let them run through their teen years without guidance.  Press into God and give your children what they need to stay on solid ground.  Keep communication open no matter how awkward the conversations may feel.

The world is beckoning our children to step off the path into Devil’s Cauldron or Sodom and Gomorrah. We need to be guiding our children to do what it says in Philippians 4:8-9.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.  (NLT)

Teach your children to fix their thoughts on “what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.”  When they are faced with peer pressure, we need to teach them to take it to God.  If it is not something that is excellent or worthy of praise, step away from it.  It is our job to teach our children to put into practice everything they have learned and received from God and from us.  Our children learn from what they hear and see us doing.  Be sure you are a godly example.  When you teach your children to walk with God, He will be with them and help them stay on solid ground.

Written by Kim Chaffin

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