One Step At a Time … It’s a Journey

Transformational Thought

Some days are so busy and hectic … actually downright crazy. The world comes at me in a stream of phone calls, requests, glitches, mail, extra bills, problems, opportunities, and more requests. Things never seem to slow down.

In fact, as I get older, demands on me come more quickly. The feeling and perception of being far behind wrap their fingers around my neck easily, and slowly choke me. For some people, there are days when the grip is so tight that hope disappears. For others, there’s an endless string of helpless or hopeless days. Sometimes, the idea that these hopeless feelings will ever end seems like a fantasy that will never materialize.

I think part of the problem is how we measure being “behind” or “ahead.” We are often sucked into the world’s standard or metrics. We have limited control, and at times no control over some of the demands coming our way. So, how can we actually measure progress against something we can’t control?

Well, what we do control is how we respond to what comes our way … and that’s how we should measure progress. My answer, and what the Bible teaches, is to measure how well your response twists is rooted in focusing on God. He will bring peace, comfort and answers. He will walk with you through the busyness and demands of each day. He promises to be your guide along the journey. So, measure how well you follow your guide, not how many choices cross your path.

Ask God to clear your thinking and remove any obstacles that exist in your relationship with Him. Perhaps you have made some poor decisions or used bad judgment. God is there to forgive you and help you get back on track. Satan always wants to throw the past in your face to interfere with your present focus, perspective, and decisions. Don’t let him. Whether or not your past gets in the way is determined by how intentional you are in examining and doing something about it. How you process and learn from your past will determine how you deal with the stressors that the Bible promises will come your way in this world.

Today and every day, remind yourself that life is a journey … a series of steps. Identify two paths you often take that cause you problems. Remember that you can create the environment for change, but God does the changing. You don’t have to continue on the old paths that lead to trouble. The Bible assures us that with Him, all things are possible. Let Him be your guide.  Whether you take responsibility for your responses and work on improving your mind, or you wing it daily and waste you mind is your decision, so choose well.


My Father and my Lord, Thank You for being my constant guide. Help me to be sensitive … and obedient to Your guidance. Give me eyes that see and ears that hear Your leading … Your nudging … Your encouragement. Also, when I am off course and on dangerous detours, let me be open to Your will to redirect me back on track even if You need to push me. Help me know that I have a part in this, too. I can’t just sit back and wait for miracle after miracle. I need to be a better steward of the daily opportunities to exercise the instruction and victory You have for me. I pray this and all prayers in the name of the One You sent to teach me, Jesus Christ; and all God’s children say – AMEN!

The Truth

For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever, and he will guide us until we die.” Psalm 48:14

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

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