Jesus told us to go and reach people far from Him, baptizing them and teaching them to obey His word (Matthew 28:16-20). This might seem impossible, but here are three ways we can do what Jesus has called us to do:
1. Share Your Story
God can use our stories to change the lives of those around us. Jesus heals a demon possessed man, and sends him home to tell what God had did for him (Luke 8:26-39). Lives were later changed because of one man's story.
Whether we spend most of the day at home, school or work, we have opportunities all around us to share our story of what God has done. Telling others about our salvation helps us remember what Jesus did for us and shows others there's freedom and life in Christ (John 3:16).*
2. Invite Others to Come and See
We were once far from God, but someone invited us to church. When we do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus, they meet Him and their lives are changed forever. Philip met Jesus, and immediately he found Nathanael and invited him to come and see Jesus (John 1:43-50). Later, Nathanael’s life was changed forever because of an invitation and meeting Jesus for himself.
3. Connect to the Church
There’s no better place to hear God speak to us than the church. When we’re part of the church we’re encouraged, strengthened and challenged to go reach people far from Jesus (Hebrews 3:13, Matthew 28:16-20). The more time we spend connected to the church our lives begin to reflect Jesus more, and it pushes us to be obedient to what He says.
Being connected to the church is more than a church service, but it’s about us taking what we learned and applying it to our lives. The way we serve those around us, manage our finances and spend time with godly people will help us fulfill what Jesus called us to do (Acts 2:42-47).
No matter what we did in our past or how much knowledge we have about the Bible, Jesus can use all of us to fulfill what He created and called us to do.
Written by Devin Stowers