Opening More Doors with a Little Humility

It’s not every day you get the opportunity to admit you’ve stepped on toes, overstepped your authority, or missed stepping up to the plate. Or maybe the chance to apologize presents itself more than once a day?

Yes. Everyone makes mistakes. But perhaps apologizing at work for personal miscalculations, misapplications, or misunderstandings feels like you’re giving the impression you can’t do the job. Maybe you fear that others will sense a lack of ability, or that it will cost you something. Maybe your pride tells you you’re better than those petty issues, so it’s not necessary to acknowledge any slip-ups.

There’s a problem with responding to your workplace fumbles with an attitude of pride or fear – it it will keep you stuck on the bench. Nobody likes to play on a team with someone who won’t acknowledge their mistakes.

Pride and fear separate. Humility opens doors.

By admitting where you’ve stumbled, offering to make amends, giving assurance you’ll work to do better and asking for forgiveness, you demonstrate humility. It’s one of those things that draws people together because everyone makes mistakes. An attitude of humility shows you’re continuing to learn.

Humility opens the door to new opportunities. It’s how Jesus led. He always opened doors for those who wanted to follow.

All great leaders demonstrate the value of humility. Jim Collins, researcher and author of “Good To Great” describes a Level Five Leader (the highest on his scale), as one who has personal humility. In his book, Collins goes on to highlight CEOs of Fortune 500 companies who demonstrated this quality. More doors are open to this kind of leader.

Humility goes hand in hand with confidence in God.

We know there was only One who made zero mistakes. Jesus relied fully on His Father. If we lead our life the way Jesus lived, we can do the same. Have full confidence in what God will provide. That’s not arrogance; it’s perfect trust.

And there is no fear, and pride can’t rule, when all our actions are based on our confidence in God. We know that God can open every door – in His way, and in His time. Regardless of any mistakes we make, God can open any door. All we have to do is lead our life like Jesus – with humility and confidence in God.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are — yet he did not sin. Hebrews 4:15

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for providing a perfect example of humility, in your Son. You know all my mistakes. And I’m sorry. Help me to work to be better, and to feel your presence as You open doors of opportunity so that Your name is glorified. My confidence is in You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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