Opportunities for Athletes?

Q: I 'm a good athlete, and I'm not just bragging. State colleges have been checking me out throughout high school and I've already had some full-ride scholarship offers coming in. This really excites my parents because we're not rolling in cash. The thought of playing ball for a good state school really excites me, and who knows—it could even lead to a pro ball career. Even so, I kind of feel like I'd be better off at a Christian college. No big scholarship or athletic opportunities there, right? What should I do?
A: Those full-ride scholarships are really tempting, aren't they? And maybe you will decide to take advantage of one. But I'm glad you're feeling drawn to a Christian college. There are some Christian colleges that provide athletic scholarships. It depends on what national athletic organization they have joined (for example: NAIA or NCAA), and which division they are within that organization. And there are some Christian college graduates who have been good enough to get a tryout with a pro sports team—and in some cases have gone on to a successful career with a pro franchise. The opportunities might surprise you! Ask the coaches at Christian colleges about the careers of their alumni.
Before you decide to take the scholarship at the state college, Find out what the school will require of you. Many scholarship athletes are required to be so focused on their sport that they miss out on much of the rest of what is good and fun about college. At a Christian college, you can love playing a sport and know there is far more to life. You have more freedom to establish your own priorities.
Be sure you look for a college that fits you. Even if you have to seek non-athletic scholarships or get a part-time job, try to find a college where you can keep your perspective and enjoy playing the game.
Written by Judy Moseman
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